The Navy Seals

U.S. Navy Photo by Visual Information Specialist Chris Desmond

This Third blog will be about Navy Seals coming home and getting use to civilian life and seeing their family as well as what tolls it take sin the family with the person enlisted and gone for so long

What it does to families

Many men and women either have girlfriends or boyfriends or maybe even a wife or husband and they have to leave them to go serve. It is a very hard thing to deal with on both sides. The family members/ loved ones have to deal with everyday life with none to very little ability to ever contact their loved ones overseas. With the Navy Seals being Special Forces they can not share anything with their family about where they are, where they are going or where they have been as well they can not tell them anything about what they doing since it is top secret. Navy Seals have very little leave days which is when they can head home for a little bit before being deployed. For Navy Seals the amount of days they get off is 30. That is only a month and the Seal can use the days for anything but most if not all use it to go visit family/ loved ones.


As i said in the last paragraph many soldiers have a girlfriend or a wife and even some have kids. The time away from each other is hard on both people and the distance is also hard to deal with. There has been many times when the significant other if the soldier ends up cheating on the soldier while overseas. There has been way more cases of the significant other not cheating which is often the normal thing to happen but there are those few ones who feel like they can not stay loyal cause the their husband/wife is gone for so long so they end up finding another or they will have sex with others so they don’t feel alone and so they feel cared for. It is a horrible thing to do because those soldiers are risking their life and their other is back home cheating. This is why many Seals choose not to get married or get into a serious relationship before signing up for the military.


Some people can’t handle the distance and know they cannot stand being from their loved one for that long so they will end up leaving them which is not as common but it still happens a lot and is very sad and a horrible thing that can happen.

The couples that make it-

Millions of couples are able to make it through the time apart and are able to go and live their lives and start a family and spend their lives together. It is a very amazing thing and it truly is great to see a soldier and their other be able to make it through that struggle.


Several Seals will either have kids right before they enlist or will have a baby while they are either in training or deployed. This is a very emotional thing for the Seal as well for any other soldier. Since every soldier has to serve 4 years that is 4 years of their kids life that will not be able to be there and raise them and to experience. They miss their kids first steps, they could miss their first words. It is a very hard thing to deal with but they do it for their country. It is especially hard for the kid and wife if the husband/ father loses his life overseas. The kid grows up without a father and the mother has to raise a kid without a father unless she is able to move on but that takes time so for awhile it will a single mother situation.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read my blog and hopefully you was able to learn something new about the Navy Seals. My fourth and final blog will be posted this weekend and it covers PTSD as well as the struggles of turning from military life to civilian life. It does not always go smooth and that is where we find so many homeless veterans and why there are so many soldiers killing themselves. I will talk about what it is like for a Navy Seal to go through that situation and the struggles.

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